Unavoidable Marketing

How often in your marketing efforts do you leave an impression on almost all of your targeted customers?

Your customers can fast forward through a television commercial, turn down their radio, delete emails, and ignore calls. Impression rates are harder to get than ever before. Yet, this tried and true marketing still produces unrivaled results…

Highly targeted direct mail has a touch point with your customers almost 100% of the time. This type of marketing will be seen. This benefit really can’t be understated; it truly is a substantial competitive advantage. At no other time in the wireless industry has it been as important to reach your entire customer base, and more specifically, your upgrade eligible customer. Now, more than even, your customer base is at risk. So, what are you doing to protect your biggest asset? Targeted mailings have been around years for a reason…they work. Plastic mailers in particular, when targeted to your upgrade base produce ROI that rivals any other marketing option. Reaching upgrade eligible customers with a plastic mailer is your best option to make sure your customers aren’t running to the competition.

Now that it is Q-4, start planning your customer base marketing when R.O.I. is at its highest.

TracPoint, the innovator of plastic Gift Card Mailers for the Wireless Industry, will create high quality plastic and paper mailers with customized variable print and artwork to your specifications. Each Gift Card is barcoded to track results. Use these versatile Gift Card Mailers to bring in upgrade eligible customers, thank your customers, attract new business, or start your new stores out with a bang for grand openings. TracPoint offers turn-key mailer programs from design, to print, to mail.

For more information about customer base mailers, contact TracPoint today:  800.404.4450FREE sales@tracpoint.com. 


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