Why Brands Need to Interact with Their Followers
How can your brand stand out from the noise? How can your brand create a competitive edge utilizing social media? One major factor is interaction. Social media has become a very effective communication tool for individuals and brands. Most brands use it as a way to collect data, get information from their customers, and use it as a listening tool to continually improve their product or business.
Still, many brands neglect to interact with their followers. They don’t respond to positive reviews, they don’t respond to criticism, compliments, insights, personal stories etc. And although this may not hurt their online reputation it’s certainly not separating them from their competitors. We know first hand the power of interacting with your brand. Whether it’s a simple “thank you,” a follow back, an exchange of like or comment, or a more personal direct message, being interactive on social media can be the difference from being a brand someone consumes and a brand someone endorses, is loyal to, and chooses 10 times out of 10.
Some brands are getting thousands of interactions per day (which is an amazing thing) while others are only getting one or two per day. Either way your interactions can be just as powerful and impactful.
Though it is very difficult to answer every single person, and nearly impossible to direct message all of the people who support your brand, showing love on social media is a hugely beneficial activity.
There are several tools to make this process more streamlined. Tools that house your reviews, comments, and likes allowing your organization to maintain that information in one place. By having a tool at your fingertips that can help you manage your online presence empowers your organization to take the competitive edge necessary in an ever growing and competitive market.
The TracPoint platform allows businesses to respond to all of their reviews, comments, and likes from one dashboard helping brands save money and time while interacting with all of their customers easily and effectively. Having this type of control of your social media channels is imperative to growth, keeping an eye on your brands reputation, and taking a competitive edge over competitors that don’t have access to such tools.
When you interact with your customers on a personal level you’re deepening your relationship with that customer. That is the essence of what social media was created for and brands that start to develop those relationships now will see the benefits for years to come.